領導學研究中心   Centre for Leadership Studies





  • "Listening to Their Voices: An Exploration of Faith Journeys of Canadian-born Chinese Christians" (completed and published in July 2018; Revised Edition In Sept, 2019; Abridged Version in March, 2019). The PDF of the Revised Edition can be downloaded from here: ↓ LTTV Donate
  • "Listening to Their Voices: An Exploration of Faith Journeys of Canadian-born Chinese Christians" 中文譯版,《聆聽心聲》(陳永財譯),現己完成。可以從這處下載 ↓《聆聽心聲》(陳永財譯) Donate
  • 《加拿大華人教會普查 2019》已經於2020年11月完成。可以從這處下載 ↓《加拿大華人教會普查 2019》 Donate
  • 《牧者心聲》("Voices of Pastors") 是一個探索加拿大華人教會教牧同工的身,心,靈整體健康和領導事工的全國調查研究。項目於2020年秋季推出。問卷已完成收回。有275位牧者參與完成問卷。 研究團隊正進行數據分析。
  • 《不違召命》("Obedient to the Call" ) 是一個質性研究項目,由本中心與美國使者協會一同推動。目的是探索在北美出生的華人全職宣教士從蒙召到進入工場的心路歷程。項目現已訪問了40位北美出生的宣教士 (22個美國出生;18個加拿大出生) 並10位宣教領袖。研究團隊正在進行分析。

Director:Dr. Enoch Wong (Ph.D.)

Founded in 2016, the Centre for Leadership Studies is a research forum that brings academic rigor as well as ministerial perspectives into probing issues that are relevant and timely to the Chinese & Asian faith communities both in Canada and abroad from a Christian leadership perspective. The objective of the Centre is to initiate and facilitate such research and to disseminate its findings through publications and academic/ministerial events (e.g., conference, seminar, and symposium) that foster healthy dialogue and sustainable learning of the critical issues that surface from the research among the Chinese Church.

Operating out of the overall structure of the Canadian Chinese School of Theology (CCST), the Centre partners with other CCST departments/programs/institutions (e.g., D. Min., International School of Christian Education) and other like-minded institutions in Canada and abroad to collaborate and share resources in the research endeavors. Such research engagements are multidisciplinary in nature and subscribe to a level of academic standards that would speak to both academic and ecclesiastical circles. In so doing, the Centre desires to be an institution that is Christ-centred with a Kingdom-focus that ultimately undergirds the research.

The past and current research initiatives include:

  • "Listening to Their Voices: An Exploration of Faith Journeys of Canadian-born Chinese Christians" (completed and published in July 2018; Revised Edition In Sept, 2019; Abridged Version in March, 2019). The PDF of the Revised Edition can be downloaded from here: ↓ LTTV Donate
  • The Chinese translation of "Listening to Their Voices: An Exploration of Faith Journeys of Canadian-born Chinese Christians", 聆聽心聲 (陳永財譯), is now completed and can be downloaded from here: ↓ 聆聽心聲 (陳永財譯) Donate
  • "General Survey of Chinese Canadian Immigrant Churches (2019)" (Partnered with CCCOWE Canada. Completed in November 2020). The PDF of the report can be downloaded from here: ↓ GSCCC (2019) Donate
  • The "Voices of Pastors" is a survey research into the well-being and the leadership ministries of pastors at the Chinese Immigrant Churches in Canada irrespective of their ethnicity. The study was launched in the fall of 2020 and date collection is completed, with 275 pastors participated in the survey. Data analysis is underway.
  • "Obedient to the Call" is a qualitative research undertaken jointly between Ambassador for Christ in the U.S. and the Centre for Leadership Studies to examine how the North American-born Chinese missionaries come to understand their call and be obedient to engage in full-time mission around the globe. 40 missionaries (22 US-born and 18 Canadian-born) and 10 Key Opinion Leaders (e.g., pastors, parents of missionaries and leaders of mission organizations) have been interviewed and analysis is underway.
國際使命學院   CCST Mission

學院是由加拿大華人神學院、香港聯宇聖經學院、柬埔寨金邊基督教恩典堂一同開辦。所有課程均由「加神亅審批;「加神」為亞洲神學協會 ATA(Asia Theological Association)會員。學生畢業後由加拿大華人神學院頒發學位文憑。



Rev. Dr. Peter Au
盧潔香教士 (義務)
Missionary Janice Lo (Voluntary)
Academic Dean
Dr. David To
Administration Assistant
(Academic Department)
Pastor Evangeline Wong
Administration Staff
Chong Ying Kit Joe



Mailing Address: P.O. Box 470, Phnom Penh Cambodia
Tel: 855-12-848545
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


toronto tyndale

透過天道神學院(Tyndale)與加拿大華人神學教育協會(ACCTE)的緊密合作,加拿大華人神學院多倫多 得以建立,為蒙召、有心志事奉的信徒 ,提供以中文國語授課,設合不同需要的碩士學位課程,學位為美加神學協會(ATS) 所認證。

道學碩士課程 (M.Div) 為三年制,並設兩門主修課程,教牧主修以聖經、神學、歷史為核心課程,並配合實際的牧會經驗、具體華人文化、靈命塑造操練、教會歷史反省、近代領袖培育、 教會工場實習、暑期短宣參與等方面,來裝備這時代教會合用的工人。 宣教主修結合聖經神學與實際宣教經驗、華人文化與跨越文化、宣教士靈命塑造與操練、宣教歷史與反省、實地宣教工場實習、暑期短宣參與、本地跨文化宣教及海 外宣教工場事奉等方面,來裝備這時代合用的宣教工人。

神學硏究碩士課程(MTS) 為二年制,以聖經神學為基礎,並配合實際的教會事奉經驗、具體華人文化、靈命塑造與操練、屬靈領袖培育、教會教導職事、職場與信仰實踐等方面,來裝備信徒參與教會領導及教導事奉,並於生活及職場中為主作見證。

「加神多倫多」 強調校內的群體生活、老師的實際指導、同學的生命交流、牧者的實習引導,來塑造一個傳道人的道德品格、事奉心志 和恩賜才能,並鼓勵學生以全時間修讀。入學申請者需具有學士學位或同等學歷,得所屬教會牧者及其他人推薦。



委任署理院長 Interim Principal: 吳克定牧師/博士 Rev. Dr. Harding Ng
委任署理副院長 (學術) Interim Vice Principal (Academic): 王建熙牧師博士 Rev. Dr. Paul C. Wang
委任署理副院長 (行政) Interim Vice Principal (Administration): 陳國瑄博士 Dr. Kok-Swang Tan
院牧 Chaplain: 蕭智雄牧師/博士 Rev. Dr. Chi-Hung Siu
訓導主任 Dean of Students: 蔡偉雄牧師/博士 Rev. Dr. Huckle Choi
實習主任 Director of Internship Studies: 黃文超牧師/博士 Rev. Dr. Wilson Wong
普及神學主任 Director of Extended Education: 高彼得老師 Mr. Peter Ko
教會拓展主任 Director of Church Relations: 王成偉牧師 Rev. David Wang
行政主任 Administrator: 李詩韻女士 Ms. Nicole Li
入學主任 Admission Officer: 計嘉欣女士 Ms. Katherine Chi



 道學碩士(M Div) - 教牧主修  神學研究碩士 (MTS)
 道學碩士(M Div) - 宣教主修  宗教教育學士課程 (BRE)








加拿大華人神學院溫哥華致力發展成為一所能滋養屬靈生命、奠定神學教育基礎的華人神學院。本校區現時提供道學碩士(M.Div.)、神學研究碩士(M.T.S.)學位課程, 也有於本地堂會晚間授課的基督教研究文憑課程(Dip. C.S.)。加神教牧學博士(D.Min.)課堂每年也有一季於本校區上課。

溫哥華資源豐富, 已有不同的機構舉辦不同的神學課程, 加拿大華人神學院溫哥華校區卻擁有以下特色。

1. 有目標的裝備 – 加神的課程是研究院的課程,有目的地為不同心志的弟兄姊妹提供神學裝備。神學研究碩士課程(MTS)是為裝備已在教會服侍多年,或有心志帶職在教會中參與的弟兄姊妹而設。不只是讓同學們選讀喜歡或勝任的科目,而是在聖經,神學及歷史,教牧實踐的方向上,也得到充分的認識和了解。道學碩士課程(MDiv)則為有心志全時間事奉,一生以祈禱傳道為念的弟兄姊妹而設。因此特設有實習科目,以供學生鍛鍊傳道的生涯。(有意在信仰和神學上進深,但未能安排在日間上課的弟兄姊妹,可入讀基督教研究文憑課程(Dip. C.S.)。)

2. 為遠景的裝備 – 加神現為亞洲神學協會(ATA)的會員,這就是說畢業生將來可以到其他擁有ATA會員資格的高等學院再修讀其他課程,甚至可以在學術上再作更專門的研究。

3. 全面的裝備 - 加神的課程是兩年或三年一氣呵成編排而成的裝備。讓學生不用顧慮畢業的時間性,特別是全時間的學生,只要跟著安排修讀,用心完成論文及考試,便能在指定時間內完成平衡聖經,神學及歷史,教牧實踐等的全面學習課程。

4. 面對面的師徒學習 – 加神的課程全採用傳統師生面對面的課堂模式,沒有一科是網上或遙距教授的。就如耶穌跟門徒關係中的門徒訓練方法,以生命影響生命,師生能彼此鼓勵,達至教學相長。當然學生們面對面的團契和討論,也能成為另一樣的重要學習。

5. 兩文三語的學習 – 加拿大,特別在溫哥華, 我們的教會都面對著兩文三語會眾和社區, 這是不容置疑的事實,因此如能在學生準備事奉的過程中切實地以兩文三語裝備他們,以熟悉加拿大華人教會的教授(其中大部份加神的教授均有多年北美牧養教會的經驗),用兩文三語教學,這是最好不過的實際裝備。

加神溫哥華網站 (外部連結)