領導學研究中心   Centre for Leadership Studies





  • "Listening to Their Voices: An Exploration of Faith Journeys of Canadian-born Chinese Christians" (completed and published in July 2018; Revised Edition In Sept, 2019; Abridged Version in March, 2019). The PDF of the Revised Edition can be downloaded from here: ↓ LTTV Donate
  • "Listening to Their Voices: An Exploration of Faith Journeys of Canadian-born Chinese Christians" 中文譯版,《聆聽心聲》(陳永財譯),現己完成。可以從這處下載 ↓《聆聽心聲》(陳永財譯) Donate
  • 《加拿大華人教會普查 2019》已經於2020年11月完成。可以從這處下載 ↓《加拿大華人教會普查 2019》 Donate
  • 《牧者心聲》("Voices of Pastors") 是一個探索加拿大華人教會教牧同工的身,心,靈整體健康和領導事工的全國調查研究。項目於2020年秋季推出。問卷已完成收回。有275位牧者參與完成問卷。 研究團隊正進行數據分析。
  • 《不違召命》("Obedient to the Call" ) 是一個質性研究項目,由本中心與美國使者協會一同推動。目的是探索在北美出生的華人全職宣教士從蒙召到進入工場的心路歷程。項目現已訪問了40位北美出生的宣教士 (22個美國出生;18個加拿大出生) 並10位宣教領袖。研究團隊正在進行分析。

Director:Dr. Enoch Wong (Ph.D.)

Founded in 2016, the Centre for Leadership Studies is a research forum that brings academic rigor as well as ministerial perspectives into probing issues that are relevant and timely to the Chinese & Asian faith communities both in Canada and abroad from a Christian leadership perspective. The objective of the Centre is to initiate and facilitate such research and to disseminate its findings through publications and academic/ministerial events (e.g., conference, seminar, and symposium) that foster healthy dialogue and sustainable learning of the critical issues that surface from the research among the Chinese Church.

Operating out of the overall structure of the Canadian Chinese School of Theology (CCST), the Centre partners with other CCST departments/programs/institutions (e.g., D. Min., International School of Christian Education) and other like-minded institutions in Canada and abroad to collaborate and share resources in the research endeavors. Such research engagements are multidisciplinary in nature and subscribe to a level of academic standards that would speak to both academic and ecclesiastical circles. In so doing, the Centre desires to be an institution that is Christ-centred with a Kingdom-focus that ultimately undergirds the research.

The past and current research initiatives include:

  • "Listening to Their Voices: An Exploration of Faith Journeys of Canadian-born Chinese Christians" (completed and published in July 2018; Revised Edition In Sept, 2019; Abridged Version in March, 2019). The PDF of the Revised Edition can be downloaded from here: ↓ LTTV Donate
  • The Chinese translation of "Listening to Their Voices: An Exploration of Faith Journeys of Canadian-born Chinese Christians", 聆聽心聲 (陳永財譯), is now completed and can be downloaded from here: ↓ 聆聽心聲 (陳永財譯) Donate
  • "General Survey of Chinese Canadian Immigrant Churches (2019)" (Partnered with CCCOWE Canada. Completed in November 2020). The PDF of the report can be downloaded from here: ↓ GSCCC (2019) Donate
  • The "Voices of Pastors" is a survey research into the well-being and the leadership ministries of pastors at the Chinese Immigrant Churches in Canada irrespective of their ethnicity. The study was launched in the fall of 2020 and date collection is completed, with 275 pastors participated in the survey. Data analysis is underway.
  • "Obedient to the Call" is a qualitative research undertaken jointly between Ambassador for Christ in the U.S. and the Centre for Leadership Studies to examine how the North American-born Chinese missionaries come to understand their call and be obedient to engage in full-time mission around the globe. 40 missionaries (22 US-born and 18 Canadian-born) and 10 Key Opinion Leaders (e.g., pastors, parents of missionaries and leaders of mission organizations) have been interviewed and analysis is underway.